Wednesday 8 September 2010



My name is Thomas Aubrey and I have been collecting blood angels space marines for a long, long time. I also have a small ultramarines army. I will upload pictures of my armies soon. (if you already know what blood angels are and are an experienced player and u think this post will be of no use to you, maybe it will?...).  If you are new to warhammer 40,000, then visit or visit a games workshop store near you. They will tell you everything you need to know. In my opinion, blood angels are the best chapter to collect, but there are many others to choose from. i am pretty much going to include every chapter in these posts but as this is my first post, I am going to start with the most important stuff for your army..and the most important thing is, by far, having the most unique army you can possibly have. This is kind of like having a stamp on every model that says 'AWESOME' on it. I will soon follw up this post with many more to help you with this, so don't worry :) Now here are some amazing pictures of marines from the many chapters of the almighty adeptus astartes...(by the way- if you are new to wh40k, and don't really understand anything in the pictures or captions, this doesn't matter because i will be posting stuff on chapter backgrounds, chapter organisation, markings, weapons, armour marks, banners and so on). 
I love this pic. It shows pre heresy Ultramarines Assault Marines battling
 against a lone Heresy era Chaos Space Marine Terminator.

This is a space marine of the Black Templars Chapter equipped with a huge power fist.
He looks angry...
This is a very cool model of a blood angels (YES!!!) vanguard veteran captain
 with twin lightning claws. He is wearing a Mk 4 'Imperius Maximus' helmet and leg armour.
This is a blood angels vanguard veteran with a multimelta. The shield on his right arm
is a rogue trader terminator accessory. He has a Mk 6 'Corvus' helmet.
This blood angels assault marine veteran sergeant is equipped with a power axe and plasma pistol. the body of this model was taken from a 'space marine veteran squad Mk 2' box. There has been a melta bomb added to is waist. I think it looks nice on this model (but horrible on any other!). His helmet is not of a certain armour mark, although it is closest to a Mk 3 'Iron armour' or Mk 2 'Crusade' helmet.
This is a painting that appears in the new blood angels codex (althought that picture was in black and white). This guy is a sanguinary priest (similar to an apothecary). The guy in the middle ground (to the left) is probably a tactical marine(hense the boltgun) and the guy to the right is probably a veteran or sergeant, and the guy in the background with the heavy bolter is either a devastator or the heavy weapon marine of a tactical squad.
This is a picture I found on I love the poses of the these two guys. What a common occurence; a blood angel vs a chaos berserker. As I looked at this picture for the first time, I wondered...'Why the hell is the berserker's bolt pistol so small?!', but he does seem to have the advantage at this moment, as he is shooting right at the marine and he isn't really doing anything!! come on! You've got twin lightning claws for god sake! It's pretty obvious though, that the blood angel will kick the living crap out of the berserker! 
I think this blood angel banner, probably a chapter banner, is pretty cool. I might try
and make a chapter banner for my army based on this one...i'll see.
This is one of my most favourite models I have ever seen. I love the colour scheme,
the banner and the fantastic flamer attachment on the boltgun.
I might paint some of my marines guns yellow because this gun looks fab.
NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything about this imperial fists banner is really really cool.
The shading does it for me.
Most of these amazing models are out of production (o.o.p.). They are (from top right; clockwise) a Mk 5 'Heresy' armoured marine with a bolter, a Mk 5 marine with a bolter and combat knife, a Mk 3 'Iron' armoured marine with an old pattern bolter, a Mk 4 marine with a 'Phobos' pattern bolter, a Mk 2 marine with added 2nd edition arms and a 2nd edition knife (the gun is, I think, a 'Phobos pattern' and the shoulder pads...?), a Mk 2 marine with a old pattern bolt pistol and an old pattern power sword, a Mk 4 marine, with added 2nd edition shoulder pads and arms and finally, a Mk 5 marine with added shoulder pads and 2nd edition arms (the shoulder pads have been converted).  
Another painting by Dan Scott, the first being the Ultramarines vs the chaos term'. These assault marines seem to be clad in Mk 4 armour, although they have leg greaves, similar to the corvus legs, and not the Mk 4 knee caps. They also have the 'groin protectors' (I don't know their actual name!), reminiscent of the Mk 3. Strangely, they all have two bolt pistols (of an unofficial pattern) instead of the standard issue bolt pistol and chainsword. A sergeant is able to pick alternate weapons, but not (as far as I know) twin bolt pistols. To be honest, I think twin bolt pistols are awesome; it's just too bad you cannot use them in an official (e.g. at a games workshop store) game. Another strange thing about these guys is that they don't have any company, squad and sergeant markings. In fact, the only way to tell the guy in the foreground is superior is by the fact that he is not wearing a helmet (sergeants often don’t). But at the end of the day this is only a painting and Mr Dan Scott ( can paint space marines however the hell he wants!